Set the global registry variables using the db2set-g command. 使用db2set-g命令设置全局注册表变量。
Furthermore, it performs certain compatibility tests between both the source and global environments, which are just not provided from the command line. 而且,它还将在源和全局环境之间执行某些兼容性测试,而命令行则不提供这项功能。
The World Health Organization and its Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network ( GOARN) partners have a sizeable team working out of the national Cholera Command and Control Centre(" C4") in Harare. 世界卫生组织及其全球疫情警报和反应网络伙伴建立了一个有一定规模的工作队,在哈拉雷全国霍乱指挥和控制中心的协调下开展工作。
Third, the legitimacy of America as a global power rests on the ability of the US to command the respect of other countries and peoples. 第三,美国作为全球强国的正当性,取决于美国能否赢得其它国家和人民的尊重。
Alternatively, if the global option is set and the command line option is not set, then the global option takes precedence. 或者,如果设置了全局选项,且未设置命令行选项,则全局选项优先。
Global Command and Control System ( GCCS) for US Army 美军全球指挥控制系统
The C~ 4ISR system is composed of global strategy command and control system; intelligence reconnaissance and monitoring system; tactics area digital communication system; C4ISR系统的构成包括:全球战略指挥控制系统、情报侦察监视系统、战术区域数字通信系统和三军联合战术通信系统。
In The course of the war, the United States gradually completed the construction of global military command, military power and logistical support system, which are among the important elements and achievements of the American military reform. 随着战争进程的推进,美国逐步完成了全球性军事指挥、军事力量和后勤保障体系的构建,这也是二战中美国军事体制改革的重要内容和成就。
In the Agent, the global agent distributes command to the local agent, and implements a virtual integration of heterogeneous databases and shared access. 在Agent中,全局代理通过向局部代理分发命令的方式,实现了异构数据库的虚拟集成和共享访问。
This architecture divides system into reasonable components based on traditional local area build system, which forms global canvas layout presentation layer, correction algorithm layer ( color correction and geometric correction), correction command transfer layer and parameter storage access layer. 该架构将传统的构建于局域网内的多投影显示系统按逻辑功能进行合理划分,形成多投影布局表现层、核心校正算法层、校正命令网络传输层和校正结果数据存储层。